Real World Blockchain Wallet

The Challenge

I designed this concept as part of my evangelism to help blockchain into the mainstream. There is far too much engineering and “tech talk” surrounding the application of a blockchain. My take was to demonstrate that the necessary components of making blockchain transactions can exist and work perfectly, without the confusing jargon that blocks user entry.

The Approach

I kept it simple, include all functions a user would need to interact with a blockchain while keeping application facade flexible enough to be used for ANY digital asset. I chose cryptocurrency as the sample for simplicity, but the details can be applied for any industry.

The Final Product

I am still actively learning blockchain technology and don’t claim to be an expert, however I am an expert in usability and software design and I know what psychological barriers prevent adoption of technology. What I have is a mobile form factor app without any confusing terms and unnecessary tech to learn.

My blog post on the idea.